The Bible Project // Adult Animation Studio
C.S. Lewis Doodles // Writings w/ Animation
The Gospel Coalition // Various Resources
The Veritas Forum // Philosophical Lectures
Unbelievable? // Christians & Skeptics Dialogue
This Cultural Moment
Apple Podcast // Spotify
Gospel in Life
Apple Podcast // Spotify
The Bible Project
Apple Podcast // Spotify
Apple Podcast // Spotify
Basic Christianity // John Stott
A Praying Life // Paul E. Miller
Jesus and the Gospels // Craig L. Blomberg
The Mission of God’s People // Christopher J.H. Wright
Christian Apologetics // Douglas Groothuis
Christianity for Modern Pagans: Pascal's Pensees // Peter Kreft
Mere Christianity // C.S. Lewis
The Great Divorce // C.S. Lewis
The Screwtape Letters // C.S. Lewis
Can Science Explain Everything? // John Lennox
According to Plan // Graham Goldsworthy
Foolishness to the Greeks // Lesslie Newbigin
He Shines in all That’s Fair // Richard J. Mouw
The Prodigal God // Timothy Keller
Meaning of Marriage // Timothy Keller
Sabbath as Resistance // Walter Brueggemann
Self to Lose Self to Find // Marilyn Vancil
True Spirituality // Francis A. Schaeffer
A Public Faith // Miroslav Volf
Total Truth // Nancy Pearcey
Another Gospel? // Alisa Childers
One Blood // John Perkins
Pursuit of God // A.W. Tozer
Dr. Tony Evans // 15 min message
Brandon Washington // 60 min sermon
Dr. Eric Mason // 50 min roundtable
Harvey Drake (Seattle Pastor) // 40 min interview
Bryan Stevenson & Tim Keller // 70 min video
Introduction post by Laura Merle
“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” (Colossians 2:6-7)
Reading and journaling have always been ways that I have felt connected to God. He constantly seems to provide the right encouragement and gentle push to point me to truths about His faithfulness and remind me of my identity in Jesus. Lately, I have felt especially convicted to lean more into topics that I have previously avoided, topics that seemed too big or uncomfortable or inconvenient. But who am I to try to make God fit nice and neatly into my version of life? To pick and choose what to believe and engage?
I know I’m not alone in skirting big questions on significant topics, so this project is an invitation to others to be a part of the conversation. I’m excited to engage in that at Sideris through Women’s Theology and Care, to look at hard questions that can feel isolating and discouraging when we consider them alone. This project is an effort to surrender, to take one step beyond comfortable and ask the Spirit to lead me. I look forward to sharing these thoughts with you and pray that they lead to meaningful reflection and conversation.
There are a host of resources written by faithful followers of Jesus to help us to better understand who God is, how He’s made us, and what that means for how we live our lives as His disciples. In each post, I will focus on a book that addresses these ideas and share what most stood out to me. By no means will these be complete summaries, but the hope is that they will offer a taste for you to consider and encourage you to dive deeper!